Happy Holidays

Enjoy your break and see you NEXT YEAR!

Instructional Focus
Math Workshop: Multiplying and Dividing Decimals
Inquiry Block 1: Inquiry into Innovation and Inventors
Inquiry Block 2: Inquiry into Informative Writing, Ungifted Novel Study

Important Dates
December 18- 5th Grade Breakfast 8am-10am
December 20- Oliver/Ahern Holiday Soiree (We are giving the students a little celebration with pizza, hot cocoa bar, treats and gifts.  You do not need to send in anything.  We are doing this because we LOVE your children!)
December 19 & 20- Early Release
December 23 to January 3- Holiday Break
January 6- COME BACK TO SCHOOL!!!!

If you signed up to bring something for the 5th grade breakfast, please make sure that you bring it or drop it off that morning.

Please remember that we have started our new novel UNGIFTED by Gordon Korman. If your child does not have the novel, please try to purchase one or check one out at the local library during the break.  It will be difficult for them to keep up with the discussion and comprehension without being able to use it.


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