Grading Scale

The grading scale for 5th grade and beyond is as follows:

(A) 90-100
(B) 80-89
(C) 74-79
(D) 70-73
(F) 69 and below

Please remember to check ParentVUE throughout the week, for updated grades, comments, missing assignments, etc. In the past, your child has been assessed on a standards based report card. In fifth grade, students receive percentages on assignments. These scores are averaged to determine your child's grades. Please be aware there there is no correlation between the standards based report card and the traditional scale. Non-academic factors affect grades, such as participation, attendance, late work, ability to follow and decipher directions, precision to detail, etc. The grades that students receive, starting in 5th grade, will depend upon the degree to which they meet the communicated expectations.


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